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Particolari Checksum OLS811

UtilizzazioneVisteon ST10 Tricore
Accesso Erfordert WinOLS
Punti checksum0
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Dettaglio versione
Alle Angaben für WinOLS5. Checksummen für WinOLS4 werden ab dem 31.12.2022 nicht mehr aktualisiert.
Data Versione*Revisione
19.12.20222.25NuevoNew Visteon file size for .bin import.
10.02.20212.24NuevoFord Visteon TCM moved to OLS817
08.02.20212.23NuevoNew TCM file
05.04.20192.22NuevoNew file
14.12.20182.21NuevoNew Visteon TCU file
13.08.20182.20NuevoNew file
24.07.20182.19NuevoTest: Visteon Tricore
16.03.20162.18NuevoNow also FGtech files
13.10.20112.17CorrettoFile was not recognized
22.08.20112.16NuevoRecognition revised
04.02.20112.14NuevoNew file in Genius format
16.06.20102.13NuevoNew file
15.12.20092.12NuevoNow also Genius files
16.11.20092.11NuevoNew File
10.06.20082.10NuevoNow also file length of Genius
12.03.20082.09NuevoChecksum interface updated
14.01.20082.08NuevoNew file
03.11.20072.07NuevoNew file
10.08.20072.06CorrettoIn some Ford Transit files the patch-tag-block could not be placed
27.07.20072.05NuevoNow also with linear memory layout
20.07.20072.04NuevoNow also Ford Transit
07.07.20072.03NuevoNow also files with more expansion codes
06.07.20072.02NuevoNow also CMD files