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Checksum details for OLS244

UseBosch/Siemens VAG
Access Requires WinOLS
Checksum points1
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Version details
All data for WinOLS5. Checksums for WinOLS4 will no longer be updated after 31.12.2022.
Date Version*Change
02.11.20182.24FixedPossible crash at defect file fixed
31.07.20172.23NewNew file
06.10.20152.22NewBosch M3.x and M5.x now also EEprom checksum
16.02.20152.21NewSpecial handling of 358735
15.10.20132.20NewIdentification modified at M3.8
30.10.20122.19NewRecognition modified at ME7.9.71
20.12.20112.18NewNow also Simos71 Genius files
10.12.20112.17FixedError at short Simos9 file
27.04.20112.16FixedNow also Simos9.x
08.04.20112.15NewNow also Rowe 350 with ME7.9.7.1
04.04.20112.14NewNow also SIMOS2 short file with length of 8000h
09.03.20112.13FixedCS over program area was not found at SIMOS71
07.01.20112.12FixedProblem at correction of already modified files
16.08.20102.11NewNew file of ME7.9.7.1
18.05.20102.10NewNow also ME7.9.7.1 with length E0000h
29.04.20102.09NewNew file M5.92
09.04.20102.08NewNow also Simos7.1 files with length of 10000h
08.04.20102.07NewNow also Audi A3 with Bosch ME7.9.7.1
15.05.20092.06NewNow also Simos7PP 1MB files
09.10.20082.05FixedRecognition modified at M3.8.2
12.03.20082.04NewChecksum interface updated
29.09.20062.03NewNow also Bosch M5.41
08.08.20062.02FixedSimos: Checksum search at versions doesn't find a starting value
30.12.20052.01FixedError messages were not displayed
08.12.20052.00NewNew registration
15.03.20051.14NewNow also Bosch M5.92 Audi A4